This summer we’re enjoying a little added pure fruit with our cider in Apple County. We were very excited to launch 2 NEW 100% juice fruit ciders which have a drier, more sophisticated real flavour that stays true to the real cider base. And now we have a very special third variant to add into the mix with a short-run initial release. If redcurrant, and gooseberry flavours tickle your fancy, we’ve got a special summer cider treat for you. Both the joyful combination of flavours and the name of this fruit just proved impossible to resist.
Get your laughing gear around our NEW cider with real cider with Chuckleberry.
This Welsh-grown berry is a cross between a redcurrant, a gooseberry, and a Jostaberry (itself a cross between a blackcurrant and a gooseberry). It looks a lot like a juicy blackcurrant but has a fantastic flavour all of its own. Adding just the right amount of Chuckleberry juice brings a little magic to the end of the softly-rounded, fruity scrump of this medium, still cider. It has a hazy blush of colour. We think this hint of Chuckleberry is guaranteed to raise a smile!
At moments though, Steph admits that the joke rather felt on her, arm deep in pressing 300 kilos of chuckleberries.
Our good friend Angharad from The Preservation Society, kindly loaned us her soft fruit press. But the chuckleberries were perhaps too fresh on the first day of pressing, with the berries somewhat resistant to bursting. Luckily on the second day of pressing, the fruit were a little happier to comply. After 2 days of hard work at the fruit press, we’d harvested 100 litres of chuckleberry juice. So it’s perhaps a good job we’re releasing this new cider in a very limited short run.

There are just 30 boxes (20 litres in each bag-in-box) of this unique cider available. Some are already reserved for the Green Man Festival, so to make sure you don’t miss out, do give us a call now to order yours.